What is PowerDEX

We built PowerDEX to keep all trader's assets safe throughout the trading cycle - transparently, securely, and in a decentralized manner. Here’s how it works:

  • Your assets are stored in a segregated wallet created by you on the blockchain.

  • Your funds are kept separate from others and visible on-chain at all times.

  • We utilize Multi Signature wallet technology (Multi-Sig) from the open-source community. Multi-Sigs are a well-understood and reliable way to keep your digital assets safe.

What does a trading session on PowerDEX look like?

  • Anonymous Sign-Up: Sign up without an email or phone number using Ethereum's standard Authentication "Sign In with Ethereum"

  • Create a Multi-Sig Wallet: After your first sign-up, set up your Multi-Sig Wallet. This is where your funds will be stored.

  • Deposit Funds: Send ETH or ERC20 tokens to your Multi-Sig and they will be made available for trading on PowerDEX instantly.

  • First Class trading experience: You can now use all of PowerDEX's tools: REST and FIX API trading, RFQ, high-frequency trading, no blockchain fees, the largest altcoin option selection in the industry, and more.

  • Easy Settlement: Done Trading? Settle your balances on-chain with one click. Worried about gas fees? Settlement fees are on us.

  • Withdraw Anytime: You can take out your money whenever you wish. The funds will come directly from your multi-sig, so make sure you have settled your balances beforehand. As a beta phase bonus, withdrawal fees are also on us!

We built PowerDEX to give you the best of both worlds: CEX ease and DEX freedom. For more details on PowerDEX, check out the FAQ. If you need assistance, please get in touch.

Last updated