Signing In to Your Account
How to Sign In
When you first open the PowerTrade app you will be presented with this screen. To sign in to an existing account, tap the Sign In link at the bottom left of the screen.
Enter your registered email address and tap the Sign In button.
This will trigger an email with a magic link to be sent to the email address you entered. Please open the link using the mobile device that has PowerTrade installed as the link will not work on a different device. The link will expire after 1 hour.
If your email is already registered with PowerTrade, you will be logged in and prompted to set up a 4 digit PIN code to unlock your PowerTrade app. This code is tied to your login session and device and will not be shared with PowerTrade. You will need to create a code every time you log out and sign in again.
Note: If your email is not already registered with PowerTrade, you will be taken to the Sign Up screen instead of being logged in. Please refer to this article for instructions to Sign Up for a new account.
After you've created your PIN code, you can also choose to enable biometric unlocking. This step is optional.
Congratulations! You are now signed in to your PowerTrade account! You can now proceed to transfer funds to your account and begin trading.
Didn't receive the email?
There are several possible reasons why you don't see the Sign In email appear in your inbox.
Incorrect email
The first thing to check is that the email address you entered is correct. Please ensure that you entered your email address correctly. The input is not case sensitive.
Anti-spam Services
If you use an anti-spam service like BitBounce, please make sure to Whitelist or you will not receive any of the automated emails or replies from the PowerTrade support team.
Spam Filters
Please also check your regular spam folder and consider adding to your email account whitelist.
Still have questions?
Email Support:
Last updated