Mobile, Creating / Managing Subaccounts

Creating a New Subaccount

The Account Switcher can be found at the top right corner of your mobile app screen.

To begin, tap on the Account Switcher to open the Your Accounts menu. Tap the Create Subaccount button to proceed.

Next, enter a name (up to 40 characters in length) for your new subaccount and pick a color to represent the subaccount. Tap Confirm to finish creating the subaccount.

The newly created subaccount should now appear on the Your Accounts menu when you tap on the Account Switcher.

Managing Existing Subaccounts

Editing a Subaccount's name and color

You should see all your subaccounts in the Your Accounts menu. To change the subaccount name and color of the representative icon, tap on the pencil icon. This will bring up the Account Editor screen where you can set a new name and color for the subaccount. Tap on the Save & Update button to apply your changes.

Closing a Subaccount

From the Your Accounts menu, tap on the Manage Subaccounts button to be brought to the Account Management screen. This screen can also be accessed from the standard Profile menu.

From the Account Management screen, you can use the dropdown menu to select the account you would like to close. Once you have selected the appropriate subaccount you would like to close, tap on the Close Subaccount button at the bottom of the screen. This will bring you to a confirmation screen. Check the box once you have carefully read and understood the text on the confirmation screen and tap the Close Account button to proceed with the closure of the subaccount.

Please ensure that your subaccount has no funds and no open position, otherwise you will encounter this error:

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Last updated